About us
The company is run by the people with over 20 years of experience in the market, providing comprehensive services in domestic and international transport.
Thanks to consulting and integrating it with individual customer needs and a dynamically changing market situation, we have gained a very important experience for us in planning an effective supply strategy.
We provide highly specialized transportation and logistics services. We are an expert in the transport of chemical products and hazardous goods at a controlled temperature for the automotive industry.
We create a comprehensive logistics platform that meets the requirements of the most complicated orders. Our scope of services is based on 5 pillars:
Professional consulting
Freight services

Foundations of the development of our services
Firstly – our qualified staff. They are experienced drivers and freight forwarders who understand the importance of full responsibility for the cargo entrusted to them. A team built over the years is our greatest asset shaping customer trust.
Secondly – modern infrastructure and equipment, which are our property. There is no place for compromises. For us, safety and optimized operation within the given time interval is crucial.
Thirdly – resources that cannot be measured in thousands of kilometers travelled and tons of goods transported. They are many years of experience, specialist knowledge and continuous creation of innovative solutions tailored to the needs of the changing market.

Purpose and Values
In our profession, we have one goal – the cargo entrusted to us must be delivered from point A to point B in an unchanged state and at a specified time, period. We build trust on the full transparency of our services, constant communication and planning based on the individual needs of those who put their goods under our care.
We approach each customer and each order individually, regardless of the length of cooperation and its scale. Our experienced employees guarantee compliance with the terms of each contract.
Key aspects of our services:
- NTailoring activities to individual customer needs
- NSafety of the entrusted cargo
- NCost optimization
- NTimeliness of activities carried out
- NConstant contact with the order supervisor
- NAccess to track&trace